API-Hub from Leissner is a powerful API gateway that allows for quick and easy management of both internal and external APIs through a web interface.
The API-Hub consists of an easy to use SOAP interface that manages all contact to external systems. All operations are called via the same SOAP function, taking the real operation and parameters as SOAP arguments.
Modules, functions and profiles
The API-Hub may be viewed as an advanced proxy to other systems (endpoints). The external systems may consist of interfaces out of anything such as SOAP, REST, TELNET, HTTP, etc. Each external endpoint is implemented as a module; all endpoint operations are implemented as module functions.
In the API-Hub web interface, you create profiles. Profiles consist of one or many module functions where the return value of one call to a module function may control the flow and be input to another call.
It is up to the designer of the profile to decide which input that shall come from which source and the system also supports error handling, advanced assertions of data and data modification.

Dynamic APIs at your fingertips
All profiles are executed via the same SOAP function: runProfile(profileName, {“arg1”: “value1”, “arg2”: “value2”}). As the profiles are created and managed dynamically there is no need to alter the external SOAP interface if you need to change the appearance of an operation/profile. Simply modify the profile and your API will be updated without the need to send out an entirely new WSDL-file.
Powerful, yet easy
Modules are everything
- Leissner Operator Switch
- Leissner Billing
- Leissner ACS
- Telia Öppen Fiber, KO
- Telia Mobile (2G, 3G and 4G)
- Telia TAB
- Telepo
- Cryptoguard
- IP-Only, KO
- Citius, KO
- And more